DCA – DCS Dynamic Control System

With the Dynamic Controlled Atmosphere/System (DCA-DCS = synonym) apples are stored at the lowest possible oxygen levels. That is, by a safe margin, just above the O2% threshold where fermentation begins. The respiration of the fruits is then at a (very) low level. DCA stored apples have a (much) better quality compared to apples stored under regular ULO conditions. The DCA – DCS technique is mainly used for the storage of apples. Storex has more than 20 years of experience with DCS storage.

Benefits of Fruit preserved with DCA

Benefits of Fruit preserved with DCA

  • Better firmness and durability
  • Prevention of scald if the oxygen value is less than 0.7% O2
  • Best taste and fresh look
  • Non-chemical treatment
  • Breathing is slower, so less heat production and less cooling
  • DCS stored apples represent a quality label


Important features of DCS Automatic are;

  • The DCA areas must be very gas-tight (<0.1cm² leakage/100m³)
  • The CO2 scrubber has sufficient capacity to regulate target values ​​of between approx. 0.8% and 2% CO2
  • Optimal low-oxygen operation of the CO2 scrubber
  • The DCA control system controls:
    • Automatic incremental pull-down to O2 targets between 0.8% O2 and less than 0.5% O2
    • And the corresponding CO2 % target value according to protocol
  • A detection and warning system for early signaling of the start of (anaerobic fermentation =) ethanol formation in the fruit by:
    • Automatically performed ethanol / respiration measurements on a representative sample of fruit and/or
    • Checking fruit samples in the DCA cells with the Ethanol Tester.

Ethanol and respiration are good signalers for the start of fermentation. If signals of starting fermentation are measured, the pull down is (temporarily) stopped and the fruit is stored at a slightly higher oxygen content.



Storex supplies a complete package of services and products for a successful implementation of DCS automatic;

  • Service / Support for testing DCA cells for gas tightness
  • Services for making DCA cells gastight
  • Superior performance CO2 scrubbers with the lowest return of oxygen
  • Dedicated DCA Auto Store operating system
  • Efficient VSA N2 generators
  • Measuring systems for monitoring the start of fermentation by measuring ethanol, respiration and ethanol detection in pulp

Contact Storex for the application of DCA in your facility